Thursday, June 19, 2008

Teenagers . . .

Fred and I were at a friend's promotion party the other night when Fred's Blackberry rang. It was Mike, and he wanted to talk to me. "Hi, Mom!" he said. "Is it OK with you if Mark and I dye our armpit hair purple?"

Wow, talk about a question I didn't expect to be facing on Father's Day. But I gave my blessing along with a solid promise that should any of my towels become purple THERE WOULD BE CONSEQUENCES DAMMIT!

When I told Fred the news, he walked over to Mark's dad and said, "You are never going to believe what our wives' sons are about to do."

Sure enough, we arrived home a little while later to find Extreme Makeover: Armpit Edition going on in the kids' bathroom:

And a crowd of interested onlookers cheering them on:

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