Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day is done . . .

. . . and so am I. I thought this would be the day to do the post with pictures I had in mind earlier in the week, but it doesn't look like it's in the cards. Today has been a nice day but exhausting, and all I want to do right now is log off and veg out.

I took Annabelle down to E'town this morning for a youth orchestra performance at a local elementary school. Then we went BACK down to E'town later this afternoon for a musical theater rehearsal. Rehearsal went much later than planned, so we were well past 8:00 getting home. I already had chicken marinating, so I was pretty much committed to cooking tonight, but it was 9:00 before we actually sat down to eat. Now the kitchen is cleaned up, and I'm ready to say my good nights. So good night!

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