Sunday, July 06, 2008

Watching for little red trucks

I generally set my videos at YouTube either not to allow comments at all or to require comments to be approved before they are posted. That is because lots of the people leaving comments at YouTube are mean-spirited twits. Somehow though, I neglected to set these controls for my clip of Annabelle's performance with Missoula Children's Theatre last fall, but somehow each comment that has shown up there has been so full of happy energy and enthusiasm that it renews my faith in humanity (or at least the segment of humanity that frequents YouTube) just a little bit.

I've gotten comments from kids who have been in other MCT performances in other parts of the country, and they are always reporting what positive experiences they have had. How can your heart not melt when you read: "I was Prince Perfect. I'm in oklahoma. 17 years old. I love missoula and want to do tours with them so bad." Or: " Squee! I've been searching everything all over the internet for other MCT things (other than what goes on in my town). I loved doing this play! I was Amelia! This week we're doing Rumplestiltskin(sp?) I'm the queen!!! ^^"

Today I got this comment:
It's great to see different casts doing the Missoula Children's Theatre shows. We filmed "The Little Mermaid" for the new film "The Little Red Truck" in two different cities, Hollywood and Harrisburg, PA. The film opens in 12 cities around the country this summer/fall. Hope MCT fans will help spread the word and come out to see it.
How cool is that?! Apparently "The Little Red Truck"--a documentary that details the what happens in a week with the Missoula Children's Theatre--has earned rave reviews and honors at a variety of film festivals, and it's going to be debuting in a number of US cities this fall. Unfortunately, none of the cities listed thus far are anywhere near me, so I certainly hope that the movie will be out on DVD eventually.

Annabelle had a really great experience with MCT, and their program is amazing. I sure hope they come back to Radcliff this fall!

Here's the trailer for what looks like a wonderful film:

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