Thursday, January 10, 2008

First day night of school

Tonight is my first night of classes for the spring semester. In fact, I'm in class right now, although we're on a break to log-in on the attendance tool.

Once again I have managed to arrange both of my classes on Thursday night. That makes for a long evening, but after tonight, attendance at the first class is optional. It was optional last semester too, but I always went. I'm going to try being a little more laid back this this semester. Frankly, I get more out of the message board participation anyway.

I'm taking Information Policy, which I hope won't be as tough as everybody says it is given that I've got a legal background. My other class is Cataloging, which I'm really looking forward to! Apparently I'm somewhat of a freak in that regard. My Cataloging textbook starts off with: "If you are looking at this book it may be because you are interested in cataloguing. If you are not, I hope that by reading it you will find that cataloguing is not as bad as you thought." Later on, we learn that "[c]ataloguing has long been unpopular, and nowadays is little taught."

As you might have noticed from the spelling of "cataloguing," the author of my textbook is British. Accordingly, I read it with a British accent in my head. I think my mental narrator is a part of Monty Python, but that might just be due to passages like this:
The main thing is to have a sense of humour. You will have to apply rules which you find quite silly, and you cannot really take them all seriously. On a scale of the world's problems cataloguing would not feature at all. However, you must pretend to take them seriously, and pretend, while you are doing it, that cataloguing is the most important thing in the world. You must regard every decision, as well as every full stop and comma, as being of vital importance.
"Silly" rules? I love it!

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