It appears that service to country runs in the family! Here is my grandfather with my father when Dad was just a wee tyke:

Then Dad in flight school in the Marine Corps back in the day:

As you can see, Dad hasn't outgrown his love of planes:

And then we've got Fred's family. There aren't a lot of photos of Fred's dad from his Army days, but he served in Germany during the 1950s. We are pretty sure that Don is third row, third from the right in this one:

In this one, we think he is second row, third from the left:

Then of course there's Fred! I have so many pictures of Fred in uniform that it's kind of hard to choose. These are a couple of favorites though. This was at a drop zone at the Law Day festivities at Fort Bragg back in 1998:

This remains my all-time favorite family photo, the day he returned from his deployment to Iraq:

And then last but not least, we have Mike, who is marching with his AFROTC detachment in Tallahasse's Veterans' Day parade today:

Hug a veteran today! (I know I will!)
Your dad is the doppleganger for Sheldon from The Big Bang!
I definitely agree! He does look like Sheldon in that picture!
Hmmm . . . I'll have to check out this Sheldon fellow. Good show? A lot of my friends are saying that Fred and Mike both look like my dad.
Great show...surprised you don't watch it. I love Sheldon. Bazinga!
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