Mr. Stinky has yet another potential bloom. He had one a couple months ago that I never bothered posting, and it dried up and fell off before it ever opened. Then about a week ago, he popped out with 2 more. One of these took off, and the other one withered away. I'm hoping this will be the blossom that finally opens. Not that I really NEED a flower in my kitchen that smells like carrion; I'm just tired of being thwarted. Also, one of his arms is turning yellow. I'm not sure if I should cut it off, but I hesitate to do anything while he's trying to flower:
Make sure he gets some sun. I found that is the secret to blooming. Mine went crazy after the sun shifted and he got a lot more sun. Shouldn't we be calling "him" a "her?"
I'm worried that this bloom is doomed, too. We don't get a lot of sun in the house anyway, and now we're headed into a period of rainy days. I can't think of him as "Ms. Stinky." It's kind of like getting a cat and naming it Rocky, but then it has kittens, so you keep calling it Rocky but tell yourself that it's short for Roxanne. ;-)
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