Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nothing to report

I feel like I spent most of today grocery shopping. First Fred and I made a huge commissary run and then a slightly smaller Walmart run. I think I have just about everything I need for Thanksgiving. Mike flies in tomorrow night, and Fred's brother John is coming with his family on Wednesday. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We'll have nine or ten for dinner, but we're planning to eat in the dining room. Wish you were here!

Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

sounds like you'll be busy. Dan and Gulya will be here. She has never eaten turkey or pumpkin pie. It should be interesting. Her parents will also be here via Skype. Maybe we can start a Thanksgiving tradition in Russia.

Teresa said...

I'm confused. I heard you guys were going to John's. We'll call Thursday if Fred doesn't call first. I'm cooking for the 6 of us, but we won't all eat together. Mom won't be up to a big to-do yet. It will definitely nice not to be traveling!