Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Perfect weather

It's 30 degrees out there right now and raining, but that's OK, because we are encased in a thick sheet of ice and the installation is locked down like, well, like Fort Knox ironically enough. Yes, it's cold, and yes, it's crappy, but it's fine by me because nobody expects me to go anywhere or do anything, which leaves me free to get in touch with my inner sloth. It's a good thing I don't have to go anywhere, because my car looks like this:

I found today to be nice and cozy. I felt kind of like Laura Ingalls Wilder in The Long Winter only instead of eating cornmeal mush, I've got Krispie treats, and instead of reading Pilgrim's Progress, I'm watching unlimited episodes of 30 Rock on NetFlix. It's good to be a pioneer in 2009!

This is our fourth winter at Knox, and each year we've watched the weather take a little bit more out of the tree in our neighbors' yard:

We have that tree's bigger brother in our yard, and we pray for his continued good health:

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