Monday, November 20, 2006

"Supertelevangelistic Sex-and-Drugs Psychosis"

Try saying THAT 3 times fast! Better yet, just go listen to it. Here's a sample of the lyrics:
I used to be a master of the anti-gay crusade
Until a butch disaster blew my pastor masquerade
But if it's true I'm pounding more than pulpits, don't blame me
It's 'cause I caught my hooker-tweaker-stud's infirmity

Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis
Worse than plague and bird flu crossed with osteoporosis
We were playing doctor and he gave this diagnosis:
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
You can read the rest of the lyrics here. Click here to download and play the MP3. (Needless to say, this one isn't exactly G rated.)

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