Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Family tradition

Not a lot of people know this, but Fred was a cheerleader back in college. The reason not a lot of people know this is that I innocently mentioned it once to some of his friends from work shortly after we were married, and one of the guys from the 7th Special Forces Group laughed so hard that beer came out his nose. After that, I just didn't bring it up much. But he WAS a cheerleader, and I've got the photographic proof, straight out of Stetson's 1983 yearbook:

Those cheerleading genes must be dominant, for Mike answered the call last night by cheering for the first annual Fort Knox Turkey Bowl (what we used to call "powderpuff football" back when I was in school):

The boys practiced 3 nights last week to get ready for the big game. You can see their mad cheerleading skillz here:

If that's not enough for you (and why should it be?), there's more here, here, here, and here.

Go, Eagles!
  • You can see all of the pictures from the Turkey Bowl here.

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