Sunday, February 12, 2012

April 2011

In going through last year's posts, I've noticed that April seems to be where things really ran off the rails. I think part of the problem is that that was when I purchased special software to help me organize my photos, and I kept putting off blogging "until everything is organized." Well, it's almost a year later, and I still haven't reached that point! Anyway, I went back through April and added a few posts, mostly just pictures I meant to get around to sharing:

Honors, honors everywhere
Harvey is watching you
You never know what you'll find . . .
Ice cream at work!
Who's a pretty girl?
Spring flowers
Two all-beef patties, special sauce . . .
Brava, Annabelle!
New member of the family
And THAT is how you pack a Sentra


Jenny Shakespeare said...

Hahaha! I'm a little behind on your blog, so I'm just going through and looking at some of the pictures. I saw these titles from some other blog postings, but I didn't read in the text that that's what they were. I saw it as a poem. Go back and read it as a poem. It's fun!

Bonnie said...

LOL, they do make a nice poem!