Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend update

Let's see . . . the last you heard from me, my car was in the shop and I was trying to get Annabelle an appointment at the ophthalmology clinic to see about the recurrent infection in both of her eyes. Thursday morning I got a call from Sears informing me that all the van needed was a new battery and NOT a new starter as well, so that was good news. Then Thursday afternoon I managed to get an appointment with the eye doc (after ophthalmology told me to take the referral to Tricare and Tricare told me to take it to the peds clinic and the peds clinic sent me back upstairs to ophthalmology), and we found out that not only does she NOT have an eye infection, it is highly unlikely that she EVER had an infection in the first place. What she does have is a tendency to wear her contacts for too long and a prescription for lenses that are probably too tight on her eyes in the grand scheme of things. So yay for the car and yay again for no eye infection!

I have been working on getting my office ready for the move. Unfortunately, I think I could work in there every day for a year and still have more organizing to do. I took a break from it this afternoon to help Mike clean out his room, and THAT was satisfying! By the end of the day, we had touched literally every item in his room and made a decision about whether it should stay or go. We filled the back of my van with boxes for Goodwill and put out several bags of paper in the recycling bin. It felt good to see such progress in such a short period of time. Next mission: linen closet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bonnie; that was great news on two of your "items to stew about" list! I love it when things turn out better than expected. You'll be so glad for all your preparedness when it's done. Don't work too hard though.

Love, Grandma