When Mike was 5, I packed plastic food in his lunchbox. I had given the teacher a Lunchable to feed him after he found the fake food, but alas, he cried, and a joke just isn't any fun if the jokee cries. Trust me on this one--I am, after all, the joker who once borrowed urine from a pregnant friend to better fake Fred out with a positive pregnancy test some years ago. He cried too. (OK, not really--keeled over in a dead faint is probably more accurate.)
So in order not to make anybody cry today, I shall dispense with the pranks and instead just wish my mother a very happy birthday! I have a nice gift on order, but unless the postal service is dispensing with their whole hang-up against delivering mail on Sundays, I'm afraid it's going to be late. For today, I will have to make do with posting a nice photo of Mom and me that Mike took in the town square of Nowy Sacz, Poland:

Happy birthday, Mom (and I'm not kidding!)!
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