My cousin Julie and I have been inseparable since birth, if you don't count the 500+ miles that have separated us for way too much of that time. When we were able to get together, she was my partner in crime, always willing to make plans to build a car that would go on land or underwater or to make up stories about the ghosts concealed in the paneling at Grandma's house or to help me build an umbrella out of a lingerie drying rack, newspaper, and 2 rolls of tape. How cool it would have been if we could truly have been twins:

Even when we weren't living near each other while we were growing up, we remained devoted penpals. We roomed together for 2 years in college, and we even went to Europe as exchange students at the same time, Julie to France and me to Germany. Here we are with some French dude whose name I do not know tasting wine in the caverns of Beaune:

This was taken just before my graduation from college:

When we were kids, Julie and I were always allowed to call each other (long distance!) on our birthdays. They were much too short calls, and there was generally a parent hovering in the background, moaning and groaning about how much the phone bill was going to be. That was a nice enough birthday tradition, but now that we are FORTY (or will be soon), I think we should start a new birthday tradition.
I'm thinking something like a 3-day cruise to the Bahamas--no husbands, no kids, open bar. What do you think, Jules?
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