I never really thought about it until Dad sent me these pictures, but apparently we have a grand tradition in my family of recycling successful costume elements. For example, this hat made its debut as part of my scarecrow costume in 1973:

It took 1974 off, as Pippi had no need for it, but reappeared in 1975's witch costume. The mask was from the magic shop that used to be on Main Street in Disney World:

The hat was back again in 1976 for my freaky ghost costume. Here's a nice little family shot of me, Dad, and Jenny (who isn't in costume--she really is a devil). Dad hunkered in the shadows of our yard that year and frightened all the little treat-seekers out of their wits (not to be confused with the year he handed out Gaines Burgers--yes, dog food--to the college students who came to our door):

Speaking of recycling, Jenny revived the freaky ghost costume in 1982 with an even better hat:

Fred and I have had a few good costumes over the years as well. For example, there were the green M&M costumes:

And there was the year that Fred was a ghoul from PPTO, the JAG Corps' personnel branch. I lettered his sign using Rocky Horror Picture Show letters, which was the main thing I learned in high school, and we created a spinner whereby the other guests at the party could spin for their next assignment. Places like Fort Polk had huge wedge sections on the spinner while places like Hawaii were teeny tiny little slivers:

(Note to PPTO: It's just a joke! Please don't send us to Korea!)
I don't remember what year that was, but it was whatever year the bottom fell out of the Beanie Baby market. I know that, because I went as a deeply discounted Princess bear:

For a special blast from the past, let's go back to my mom's childhood and see her as a little Dutch girl. This must have been a very popular costume back then, because my friend Claire's mom was a little Dutch girl too. Funny, you hardly ever see anybody dressed as the Dutch these days:

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