Here are Mike and Rosalee, looking (respectively) dashing and gorgeous:

Mike and his friend Mykel, striking a pose:

Mike, Ryan, and Mykel--international men of mystery:

It's good to have friends:

And here is our stalwart PTO president serving punch:

As tired as I am from the events of this past week, what I did was a drop in the bucket compared to the core few who are reponsible for making homecoming happen. Snaps for them!
After I got my pictures, Fred and I came home and cleaned up the kitchen and tried our best to stay awake until 12:30 when the dance would end and we would need to go pick up Mike and his friend Ryan, who had come down from Louisville to visit his Fort Knox friends. We were not always successful in staying awake:

As we were on our way back to the school at 12:25, we got a call on the cell phone from Mike, asking if they could go over to another friend's house to hang out "for just a little bit please, please, please." Sadly the answer was "no," as Fred and I were turning into pumpkins. I am still a pumpkin today and plan on remaining as such until at least Tuesday.
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