Friday, October 20, 2006

The end is near

Spirit Week culmimates today in School Colors Day. FKHS's colors are green and gold, but the freshmen are supposed to emphasize gold. Mike is sporting a gold face and gold sparkle hair underneath his inside-out Bailey's Irish Cream hat with an eagle patch superglued to the front of it:

He decorated one of Fred's old t-shirts with sparkle paint for the occasion. I was going to do the lettering for him, but I only got as far as the "FKHS" before we decided that puff paint is not the best medium for a girl with a tremor. So he took over from that point and did the rest himself:

I was amazed at his clear printing (handwriting has never been his strong suit) and suggested that perhaps his teachers would let him do all his assignments with puff paint on t-shirts.

In the next 16 hours, I have to: make munchies for my international coffee group and attend said coffee; hit Walmart for last-minute stuff for the band boosters; pick up Mike so that he can get his pants from the tailor and his date's corsage from the florist; make supper; get Mike to the band room and 20 liters of Sprite to the gym; work the concession stand at the game; get Mike home from the game and back to the dance; and then pick him up from the dance at 12:30.

Too bad we have to get up tomorrow to go to Louisville for a cross-country meet. The fun just never stops, does it?

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