Monday, April 25, 2011

Two all-beef patties, special sauce . . .

Make that 12 all-beef patties and you'll be closer to Mike's triumphant feat on Friday night. He became the third person to complete the Quint Quint Double challenge at the Tomahawk Sports Bar. That's 12 burger patties, each with a slice of cheese, plus a pound of fries. Finish it in 30 minutes, and it's free!

Here he is at the beginning of his quest. Note that the burger is held together with a knife that is almost fully embedded in the beast:

Here he is at the 10-minute mark:

He started with a couple of friends, who bailed out at the 7- or 8-burger mark, but Mike marched on to completion at 29 minutes:

When I spoke to him later Friday evening, the high of achievement had worn off and was replaced by some pretty severe intestinal distress. One of his friends drove all over Tallahassee trying to find some syrup of ipecac so that he could "un-eat" the burger, but apparently you can't get that over the counter anymore. He never was able to throw up, but he found that he was comfiest in this position:

Amazingly enough, he woke up Saturday morning feeling great. Ah, youth!

Successful completion of the Quint Quint Double challenge nets the victor bragging rights only and his photo on the restaurant wall. Some of Mike's friends, however, decided that such an epic feat was worthy of a special shirt and so they had this one made for him:

1 comment:

Teresa said...

College kids do some stupid things for free food and a t-shirt!