Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hurt so good

Back in November I took a series of 5 private pilates lessons at a studio up in Louisville. I meant to keep going, but then the holidays got crazy, and the weather got yucky, and I got rather depressed about the deployment, etc., and before I knew it, I was a pilates dropout.

The holidays are long gone, the weather is halfway decent, and I'm adjusting, so I made an appointment a couple weeks ago to go back, this time as part of a group class ($20 an hour as opposed to $50). The night before I was scheduled to go back though was the night that Annabelle and I spent in the ER, so needless to say I canceled my class and slept that day away instead.

So last week was my first chance to get back into it, and I loved it! I was able to remember how to use the equipment, and my muscles seemed to remember a little of what they learned last time around. I swear I was a solid inch taller when I left the studio.

This is a Reformer, the machine that we use for the class, but most of the moves demonstrated in this video are way beyond me:

For now anyway!

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