The error of my ways became apparent to me an hour down the road when, just outside Lexington, we drove past a castle. Not a house that looks kind of like a castle, but a real castle! I was immediately moaning that I wished I had my camera with me. Instead of seeing my own picture of the castle, you'll have to be content with this image that I filched off the Internet:

While I'm stealing images, I might as well add this one of that same castle in flames a few years ago. It seems to be much better now:

My next case of camera remorse came 2 days later when Fred and I got all dressed up for the big dinner. I wanted to memorialize my bargain outfit ($50 dress! $10 beads!), but did I have my camera? No, I did not. Fortunately, one of the guys who was helping out with the conference had a camera:

Two days after that, I met my friend Jennifer for breakfast at Bodo's. She and I worked together ages ago when Fred and I and Mike (this was pre-Annabelle) lived in Charlottesville for Fred's Advance Course. We have kept in touch over the years, and for the past 2 years we have gotten together while I'm in town. It's always such fun to catch up with Jennifer! I had already asked her to bring her camera, which she assured me that she always has with her (smart girl!). So here we are at Bodo's, where I had just enjoyed an amazing onion bagel with lox spread (and where I would be returning for lunch that same day with Fred--can't get too much Bodo's):

I do hereby promise never to leave the camera behind on purpose ever again!
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