I think I redeemed myself last night.
When were up in Louisville killing time before the performances, Mike noticed a flyer in the music store announcing that Michael Angelo Batio would be performing Wednesday night. Apparently, MAB is a Very Big Deal in the world of guitars, as he not only plays incredibly fast (and loudly!), but he also is known for playing a "twin-necked, left- and right-handed double guitar," which looks something like the guitar version of a Pushme-Pullyou.
Even though it is not my taste in music at all, I couldn't help but be impressed by his technical expertise. He was also a very good speaker, and it was interesting listening to him talk about why and how he does what he does. I couldn't resist taping a little snippet when he was playing that double-necked guitar:
Afterwards he hung around and signed (free) posters for everybody and was just as polite and congenial as could be. (I suppose my biases are showing if I admit that this surprised me.)
Mike was in seventh heaven the entire evening, and balance was restored to the universe: Sometimes I will kidnap you and make you sit through corny musicals, but sometimes I will make your dreams come true.

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