The caption underneath said: "Jenny Boyd performs a comedy routine, joking about her childhood in Alabama, at the Deltona Art Center."
Jenny has been taking a comedy class in Deltona, and a reporter visited her class and did a whole story on it. The article begins:
In some ways it's like being in a regular class.Here's the part about Jenny:
The students all want to sit in the back, and no one wants to be first.
But in this class dysfunction is welcomed and in fact encouraged. Homework is watching late night TV. But what else can one expect from a 10-week course on stand-up comedy.
Jenny Boyd of Orlando, the first person on stage during a recent Sunday class, riffed about accents she heard growing up in Alabama. At a party, kids ran around yelling about getting someone named Obber Dwyne.
"It was Obber Dwyne this, Obber Dwyne that."
Her parents cracked up later when she talked about the party. They told her the kid's name was Albert Dwayne.
*I got this from Jenny. See, I TOLD you she's funny! You should really ask her to tell you about a dog named Westaday.
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