From left to right, we have:
- the second volume of Der Dativ ist dem Gentiv sein Tod, which translates loosely as "Dative is the Death of Genitive." I love to ponder linguistic oddities, and this book is a collection of essays on interesting points about the German language. It's rather slow reading for me, as I have to consult my little yellow dictionary often, but I'm really enjoying it.
- chocolate! Yum--what more is there to say, especially with my mouth stuffed full of chocolate?
- a DVD of "The Sound of Music," dubbed into German for the first time in honor of the film's 40th anniversary.
- a dishtowel from Amy's trip to Ireland (I decided somewhere during my travels that dishtowels make perfect souvenirs--they are useful, take up next to no storage space, and remind you of all the exotic places you would rather be than your kitchen).
- noodles, noodles, and more noodles! Again, yum! German noodles are the best noodles.
- a CD of the soundtrack to "Les Miz," again auf deutsch. Everybody sing!
Hörst du, wie das Volk erklingt? Von uns'rer Wut erzählt der Wind
Das ist die Symphonie von Menschen, die nicht länger Sklaven sind
Jedes Herz schlägt, wie es kann, unsere Herzen trommeln laut
Alles fängt ganz von neuem an, wenn der Morgen graut - the original German version of a book that Annabelle really likes--I, Freddy over here; Freddy, ein wildes Hamsterleben over there. I'm currently reading the English version and will then attempt the German one. I'm figuring it has to be easier than the genitive-killing dative book.
- a DVD of "Der bewegte Mann," starring Til Schweiger. I just wish I could have Sibylle with me when I watch it so that she could translate the parts I miss!
- 2 dozen chocolate surprise eggs, what we call in our bastardized German "Kindereggs." I don't care for them, but Mike and Annabelle think they're little ovoids of heaven right here on earth.
Thank you, Amy and Sibylle, for keeping me stocked with German goodies!
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