Saturday, August 07, 2010


Earlier today we drove past a Missouri town called Peculiar. I was just sitting here wishing we had stopped so I could get a shot of the kids standing next to the sign with the arrow ponting to Peculiar (anybody remember my Deviant pic of them in France?). I thought, "Oh, well, we can stop on the drive home," and then it hit me: Mike won't be with us on the drive home! Ack!


Claire said...

Uh, here is a hint...don't go see Toy Story 3 if you haven't seen it yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Peculiars,

I think it's great that you are all "poculiar" individules!! Too many people just have average kin or friends. We are blessed to have a lot of peculiar people among our relatives.



Anonymous said...

I'm sure you can tell by now that David can't spell worth a hoot. I have to spell for him when we do the crossword puzzles! Oh well, he is a very nice guy otherwise so I overlook this; hope you can, too.

We both enjoy your blog; keep on keeping on.

Love, Grandma

Dad/Papa said...

I remember your little deviants--I was there when you took the pic. It was in Strasbourg, France, on Friday, July 9, 2004. Yes, I'm a savant--definitely July 9th. Or wait, maybe I just looked at your European blog! (The sign actually said "Déviation" and readers can see lots of pics of that wonderful day-trip here.)

Claire said...

I had a could pose them both together by another sign anywhere along your trip and then photo shop the peculiar sign into it...or take a photo of Mike and then photo shop him into the photo with his sister when she is actual at the Peculiar sign.