Annabelle slumped off her bus a half hour later looking very solemn indeed. By the time she reached the front door, she was sobbing her heart out. She says she is the slowest person in her class at everything and that she feels like a big dummy and is going to be totally STRESSED! And why, oh why, did she ever have this stupid idea of going to school anyway?! AND they have to take in a picture of their American hero. And Andrew Lloyd Webber? He's BRITISH! And TS Eliot? BRITISH!!! And WHY DON'T YOU TRY DOING 5 DIFFERENT TYPES OF MATH IN ONE PROBLEM AFTER TWO YEARS OF DOING NOTHING, MOM?!? (ouch)Fortunately my father saved the day when a little googling revealed that TS Eliot had actually been born in the good ol' US of A.
The kids have been dragging home a year's worth of work this week in preparation for the last day of school on Friday. Annabelle brought home her TS Eliot portrait, and she looked so pretty tonight, trying on her outfit for the honors assembly tomorrow, that I just had to snap a picture of her with Mr. Eliot:

In case you don't know what TS Eliot looked like:

I think she really captured him!
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