Last Sunday we took the kids down to Bowling Green to see a production of the play "Wait Until Dark," performed in a tiny community theater that maybe sat 100 people. It was almost like being right there in the apartment with poor blind Suzy Hendrix and her psycho friends! We made the journey because "Wait Until Dark" is one of Annabelle's favorite movies, and she wanted to see the play, which just doesn't get performed that often anymore. The cast did an excellent job, and it was worth the extra hour we had to wait since I had forgotten that Bowling Green is in Central Time while we are in Eastern. Duh!
This weekend began for me yesterday at the crack of dawn, since I had to be at the Red Cross at 7:00 to help out with registration for their road race. I had lots of fun hanging out with my friends and handing out numbers and T-shirts. During the race itself I got to ride around in a golf cart, first with my friend Cathy and then with Fred (after he and Mike finished the 5K), handing out water and checking up on runners. It was kind of like disaster relief except that while the people receiving our assistance were terribly grateful, they really weren't that bad off in the grand scheme of things.
Fred and Mike did the 5K together in 26 minutes and change. After the race, the Shoney bear was hugging kids, so Mike got in line. I'm sure that sweaty 6-foot tall teens weren't what the Shoney bear had in mind, but the bear was a good sport:

After the race, we had to run home to shower and get presentable for the OCSC scholarship ceremony over at the Leaders Club. A couple months ago, I applied for the Mary Cherry scholarship, which is given to an OCSC member who is active in the club and in the Fort Knox community. I was deeply honored to be chosen to receive the award this year:

Late yesterday afternoon, Fred and I took Ginger up to Louisville to watch a disc-dog competition put on by the Flying Houndz of Louisville. I was eager to take advantage of a socialization opportunity for Ginger, who can be somewhat of a doofus when she meets new people and needs all the practice she can get.
Ginger seemed to enjoy herself. She sniffed a few butts and played with a Yorkie named Max. This picture is very blurry yet strangely accurate, as this is indeed more or less what their encounter looked like:

If you prefer a brief video clip of the action, you can click here.
After Max moved on, Ginger just hung out with us on our blanket and enjoyed the compliments from passersby who wondered "What kind of dog IS that?" Here she is (along with Fred's feet) just chilling out:

Today we have enjoyed a very laid-back Mother's Day. We started off with blueberry muffins for breakfast and then spent the rest of the day taking care of piddly little chores that sit around for ages without getting done, like wrapping up a gift that needs to go to the post office and finding a place to recycle the bazillion and one run-down batteries I had accumulated in my desk drawer. It feels good to get a lot of little tasks scratched off the to-do list!
I hope you have all had an enjoyable Mother's Day!
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