Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tea party (the good kind)

Annabelle and I went to a tea party yesterday at the home of our British neighbors. We decided to wear dresses just in case the queen was there (she wasn't, but one never knows). Annabelle looked so pretty that I had to stop on the porch and snap a picture:

The party itself was wonderful, with finger sandwiches and scones (oh, the scones!) and these adorable miniature apple pies. And Pimms! Did I mention the Pimms? So yummy! One of my fellow tea-partiers (again, the good kind) described it as British sangria, which seems about right.


Dad said...

Q: Should sandwiches be eaten with the fingers?

A: No. The fingers should be eaten separately.

(Source: Miss Manners, I think.)

Ninny said...

Beautiful! Were William and Kate plus eight there? Ah, wait. . . . I'm confusing my Kates. I'd love a scone.

Anonymous said...


daviddesmond said...

What a beautiful young woman and with such talent!



Mimmy Boyd said...

Pretty dress! Even prettier girl!!!