Thursday, February 25, 2010

Unintentional vacation

Wow, has it really been a week since I blogged last? I'm sorry about that. I keep meaning to toss something up here--I actually have some photos and video that I'm eager to share--but for some reason I just haven't gotten around to it.

I think I might have mentioned how miserable I was in school last semester? Well, I am the exact opposite of miserable this semester. I'm taking a marketing class and a management class, and they are just the perfect complement for one another. I am really enjoying them, but they're keeping me quite busy.

Oh, and speaking of school, remember how I blogged about that fabulous program set out by the Department of Defense to give military spouses $6000 to put towards education for portable careers? It's paying my tuition this year to the tune of about $2300, and I was looking forward to it doing likewise for my last 2 classes next year. Well, they shut it down, the bastards! I'm a little insulted by the fact that they couldn't be bothered to personally notify those of us already in the program but instead let us find out via the grapevine. Shame, shame, shame! It won't really change my course of action, as I maintain my freelance career to keep myself in tuition and Pilates and therefore already had the rest of my tuition money saved up. This is actually going to cause some spouses--including some friends of mine--to change their educational plans, and that just sucks.

We are getting ready to head out on Sunday for what I have termed the College Death-Tour from Hell. I'm looking forward to it, but it's gonna be intense: Auburn on Monday, Florida State on Tuesday, and University of Central Florida on Wednesday. We will semi-relax on Thursday and then drive back home on Friday and Saturday. Decisions will be made soon (I hope)! Within the past couple of weeks, Mike has gotten acceptances from Rollins and UCF and has been offered an Air Force ROTC scholarship as well. Nice to have options!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back; we've missed you!

We look forward to seeing you if you have DeLand on your itinerary (but I wish you had found a more friendly name for your trip!)

Take care, and drive safely.

Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hey Bonnie,
Stars and Stripes ran an article yesterday saying that the spouse scholarship program had been reinstated for all those already enrolled in the program. You probably knew that already, but just in case...